During the State of the Industry and 2023 outlook Update at TAHCH NAHC president, Bill Dombi, mentioned employees are seeking improvements to their safety and security.
Bill Dombi believes that an underestimated aspect of workforce issues is image and respect. “We have to respect the workforce in order to attract the workforce,” he said, “compensation plays a part, along with career opportunities, but in addition the workforce wants to see improvements to their safety and security.”
Another factor impacting the workforce is education. Some schools of nursing are preparing students to go right into the home care field after graduating.
“That requires a lot of change in their educational formatting to do that,” Dombi said. “Working independently in the home is a lot different than working under the structures a hospital or nursing facility may offer and people are leaving the profession due to safety concerns.
Learn about OSHA’s duty of care requirements for Home Care professionals.
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